Make a Donation to Project 1808
Project1808 has been registered in the United States as an official 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization since 2011. This means that all donations to Project1808 can be listed as charitable donations on federal tax returns in the United States of America. You can donate directly to Project1808 using the Paypal link below. Alternatively, you can contact us at to make arrangements to make a one-time or recurring donation.
How we spend your money
- Annual cost of education (per student)
- $25 = one uniform
- $30 = books and supplies for a year
- $46 = one year of primary school fees
- $100= one year of high school fees
- Monthly Stipend for Teachers/Tutors
- Free Little Libraries (wood, paint, carpentry services)
- Desk-to-Classroom Program (wood, nails, hammer)
- $100 = five desks
- Dinners served during after-school programs
Science and Leadership Festival
- Science materials and supplies
- Microscopes
- Microscope slides and cleaning materials
- Thermometers
- Ph Test Strips
- Graduated cylinders
- Other materials bought in the local market (vinegar, salt, sugar, etc.)
- Art Supplies
- Food and Snacks for attendees
- In-country staff monthly stipends
- Purchase and furnishing of an office and student study space in Sierra Leone
- Staff expenses: cell phone bills, internet cafe bills, taxis to and from schools and little libraries
- All staff members based in the US are volunteers
Community Center
We are currently raising funds to build a Community Learning Center that provides space for studying, community activity and positive social interaction between youths in Kabala. Currently there is no such space in the community, and young people often find themselves in bars and nightclubs.
Such a center will provide an alternative. It will also allow for the kind of inter-school competitions and collaborations that occurred prior to the war. This is a very important goal and requires not only financial support but subject expertise.
Digital Center
We are also planning to construct a digital center to facilitate access to technology which will inherently enable cross-cultural exchange amongst our students, teachers, staff and partners in other parts of the world. This facility will provide access to more useful information that will enhance the work of our in-country staff and teacher-mentors. We have already begun much of the leg work for this project, but to finalize this set up and sustain it over time, Project1808 will need goodwill supporters to make this a reality.