Welcome to the home page of Project 1808, a Madison, Wisconsin based non-profit organization dedicated to improving community livelihood and technical capacity in Sierra Leone through school, university, community projects and global partnerships. Please explore our site and get involved, either as a volunteer or by making a donation.
News and Updates
PanAfrican Music Sessions, Sept. 8th
Join Project 1808 on Picnic Point in Madison, WI for the inaugural PanAfrican Music Session with Malian musician Tani Diakite. This will be the first in a series of monthly events throughout Madison celebrating the music, food, and culture of Africa and the diaspora.
2017 SciLeadFest Dates Set! January 5-7th 2017
The 2nd Annual Science and Leadership Festival will take place January 5th through the 7th 2017 in Kabala, Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone.
The first Science and Leadership Festival (January 2016) received an incredibly positive response from the Kabala community and its leaders. Now — to fulfill the request of our students and community – we are working to plan our second festival with even more experiments, demonstrations, and activities that allow participants to explore the the fields of biology, chemistry, ecology, engineering, and more!
Interested in getting involved? Contact us to volunteer or make a donation to help us provide supplies and food for the event.